Crofton Hall CL Header


NOTE: The Carlisle Southern Link Road (CSLR) Project is resulting in diversions and road closures around the Western outskirts of Carlisle, affecting the A595. This may affect you if your route includes the A595 Wigton Road out of Carlisle to Thursby.

You can get up to date information here:

There are well marked diversions in place for all road closures and Apple Maps and Google Maps will take you around the closed roads when calculating your route.

We are very easy to reach, whichever route you take. We only ask that you:

1) Do not attempt to come into Crofton directly from the A595, as this takes you though the historic Crofton Estate Arch. This access from the A595 is both width and weight restricted by law, so if you are in a motorhome of are towing a touring caravan, you will need to access the site from the A596 only.

2) That you do not turn right too early into Crofton Hall Farm. Please read the directions below carefully to avoid problems!

Route from the North

We recommend taking junction 44 from the A74M/M6 and following the A689W Carlisle Northern Bypass, then heading west on the A595/A596. A full route is available on Google Maps but please ensure you do not access the site from the A595 into Crofton, only from the A596, as shown below.

Route from the South

The most direct route is to take junction 41 of the M6 and to follow the B5305. Many of our customers happily use this route and it is a good road in all but the worst road conditions. However, it includes a deep descent and ascent at Sebergham that some may not wish to tackle. The alternative route is to continue to J42 and leave the M6 there. The full route is available on Google Maps but please ensure you do not access the site from the A595 into Crofton, only from the A596, as shown below.

Detailed directions from the A596 to the Site

When you leave the A596 for Crofton, you will drive 1.25km (0.77 miles) before turning right into West Park.

PLEASE NOTE: Around 1.07km (0.66miles) from the A596, you will pass a farm entrance. Do not turn in here, continue for another 185m (600ft) to reach the correct junction. The turning you must not take is shown below:

CROFTON HALL FARM – Do not turn in here – it will be very hard indeed to turn around and get back out and this private farm driveway provides no access to the CL site.

The correct junction, a short distance farther, is marked with a brown tourist sign for the Cheese Farm, circled below on the left-hand-side, and a sign for our site on the wall, also circled, on the right-hand side.

Turn into West Park as shown by the arrow.

You then drive only 70 metres (235 ft), before turning left into the site, as shown below:

Follow the path of the arrow, into West park and then left at the end, into the CL Site.
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